Hi there, my name is Nic Dragomire and I'm a wedding photographer from Carlsbad, CA.
This is the spot where I try to keep you up to date with whats going on with my professional and
personal life. I do my best to update this blog every couple of days so keep checking back! If you
really want to make my day, leave me a comment.     ciao ~ nic

February 8, 2008

Daisy ~ Post Surgery Day 2

It's not as bad as it looks! Daisy spends most of her day outside of the crate, with the exception of times when we can't have a direct eye on her... She actually doesn't mind it, kind of like her own little fort! ;) She's actually feeling pretty good, I can't imagine after 10 days of complete activity restriction? She's going to be climbing the walls. Oh the joys of two nine month old puppies! :)

its like doggy jail


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww.... poor Daisy! The 2nd picture really does look like doggy jail. Crossing my fingers for a quick recovery! And that she goes easy on you once she is let free ;)

8:28 PM  

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