Hi there, my name is Nic Dragomire and I'm a wedding photographer from Carlsbad, CA.
This is the spot where I try to keep you up to date with whats going on with my professional and
personal life. I do my best to update this blog every couple of days so keep checking back! If you
really want to make my day, leave me a comment.     ciao ~ nic

February 5, 2008

Will & Elisabeth ~ Engaged

Last week I headed up to Malibu to shoot an engagement session for Will and Elisabeth. We met at the Getty Villa and maneuvered ourselves around snapping pics trying not to get caught! ;) (Supposedly, it's a no pic zone... Oh well, isn't it better to ask for forgiveness, than to ask for permission?) After some great shots at that location, we headed down to the beach to finish off the session. It was a such a perfect afternoon down on the beach, and we were able to really take advantage of the amazing scenery in Malibu. I really enjoyed meeting this sweet couple, and look forward to celebrating with them in May at the Falkner Winery in Temecula! Enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Nic, we both had a lot of fun!

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great shots Will! Congrats!

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! Beautiful shots. :)

6:23 PM  

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