Hi there, my name is Nic Dragomire and I'm a wedding photographer from Carlsbad, CA.
This is the spot where I try to keep you up to date with whats going on with my professional and
personal life. I do my best to update this blog every couple of days so keep checking back! If you
really want to make my day, leave me a comment.     ciao ~ nic

January 29, 2008

Puppy Update

Well they are about 9 months old right now!! The best decision we made... they have brought us so much joy! Unfortunately though, Daisy is going to have surgery soon. We have recently discovered she has one of those lab curses :( She has elbow dysplasia, so our rescue dogs are going to become the most expensive adopted dogs we've heard of! J/K... But, of course they are worth it, because as many of you dog owners know, they are worth any and every penny you spend. Aren't they beautiful? We sure think so!

The beautiful "Daisy Girl"

The Insatiable "Kona Kai"


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