Hi there, my name is Nic Dragomire and I'm a wedding photographer from Carlsbad, CA.
This is the spot where I try to keep you up to date with whats going on with my professional and
personal life. I do my best to update this blog every couple of days so keep checking back! If you
really want to make my day, leave me a comment.     ciao ~ nic

March 27, 2008

Loren & Joe ~ Engaged

Location, Location, Location... is that how the saying goes? Well, last Saturday we had a great time shooting the engagement session of Loren and Joe. We met Loren just over a year ago when I had the opportunity to do some event work for Taylormade/Adidas. So, when it was time for Loren and Joe to start planning their wedding, I was so blessed that they chose us to do their wedding photography. When planning this session, Loren shared she really had a few locations she liked, so rather than choosing one, we decided to hit them all! We started downtown, headed to Seaside Beach, and then finished in a riverbed... (that's all I'll disclose, it's a our new secret spot ;0 ) Loren and Joe were fabulous "models", as you can see they were smoking hot! They really wanted more of fashion/edgy shoot, so we went for that look! Take a look below.... & enjoy!


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