Hi there, my name is Nic Dragomire and I'm a wedding photographer from Carlsbad, CA.
This is the spot where I try to keep you up to date with whats going on with my professional and
personal life. I do my best to update this blog every couple of days so keep checking back! If you
really want to make my day, leave me a comment.     ciao ~ nic

October 5, 2007

Happy Anniversary!!!

To us, that is... Today, Kristin and I celebrate our 5 year anniversary. Yup... it's true, October 5, 2002 was a beautiful October afternoon that we married at St. Paul's in Coronado and held our reception at was at the time called the Shelter Pointe Hotel (aka The Kona Kai Club) in Pt. Loma. Wow... a lot has happened in those 5 years... New jobs, new business, new home, new dogs, and new outlooks on life! Probably the most exciting part is Kristin beating cancer and the new perspective and ambitions it gave us... So, here's to more marriage milestones and a nice evening we'll spend together at the new restaurant, West Steak and Seafood in Carlsbad!


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